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Remarks as prepared for delivery by NEASO President Robin McLean

Remarks as prepared for delivery by NEASO President Robin McLean

Nation’s largest union retaliates against NEASO bargaining unit with punitive lockout

WASHINGTON—The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest union, punitively locked out its staff union in retaliation for participating in legally protected concerted work actions. The National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO) engaged in a 3-day Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike in Philadelphia, July 5–7. More than 400 NEASO staff, their families, NEA members, employees working at NEA state affiliates, fellow labor unions, and community members marched and rallied in front of the NEA headquarters in downtown Washington on July 8, the first day of NEA’s illegal retaliatory lockout: 

The following are remarks as prepared for delivery by NEASO President Robin McLean:

“Our union is united. We’ll never be divided. We are here because NEA pulled another tactic. This tactic was to create friction and division amongst us—NEASO. 

“Are we gonna let them play us? So, NEA throws us a bone, expecting us to fetch. We’re not in that business, are we? 

“I hope that you can agree that when things are acquired easily, they are not always appreciated. When you work hard for something, there is a greater reward. Don’t get sidetracked by the lies, which are being called ‘misinformation.’ They are lies. We stand on facts. And we have all the receipts!!! 

“Our ULP strike this past weekend in Philadelphia was based on facts, not fiction. Every day, we come to do the work of the National Education Association; we will enact what we train NEA members to do: fight for a fair contract. 

“We are the ones who encourage, inspire, hear their stories, and help to make a difference in their lives so they can educate the students around the world. 

“Again, last week, we stepped out and let NEA know that we are tired of them not providing the required information to support our efforts at the table. We are tired of them changing policy without bargaining those changes. 

“So, we might be locked out, but we are not locked up! 

“We have the opportunity to stand together to show them that we are worth more. Say it with me, I AM WORTH MORE!!! 

“One of the songs that I am guided by the words is: ‘I just can’t give up now, I’ve come too far from where I started from, Nobody told me the road would be easy, And I don’t believe He’s brought me this far to leave me.’

“Those of you who join us today, we thank you. 

“NEASO we will continue to move with ONE VOICE, ONE SOUND!!!! Our union united will never be divided!!!” 

Read more personal accounts from NEASO members and find all the latest news from the bargaining table, NEA’s punitive and retaliatory lockout, ULPs filed against NEA with the National Labor Relations Board, NEASO in the news, and solidarity pledges at 

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The members of the NEASO advance the work of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, championing justice and excellence in public education. We help educators bargain for fair contracts, advocate for their students, and grow professionally. Go to and learn more.