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Fact Check: NEA is guilty again of making false statements about NEASO staff

Fact Check: NEA is guilty again of making false statements about NEASO staff

Latest lie catches the National Education Association gaslighting, peddling misinformation

WASHINGTON—The National Education Association (NEA) illegally locked out its unionized staff, the National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO), on July 8. NEA locked out the NEASO bargaining unit, nearly 300 employees working at the NEA Headquarters in Washington, in retaliation after NEASO members engaged in a three-day Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike July 5–7. NEA is the nation’s largest labor union.

The following statement can be attributed to NEASO President Robin McLean:

“It is appalling for NEA management to imply that NEASO staff abandoned kids in daycare. What NEA management is alleging is not true. The National Education Association hired a vendor, Accent on Children’s Arrangements, LLC, to provide childcare services at NEA’s Representative Assembly, so NEASO’s ULP strike would not have impacted daycare. In fact, NEASO members also had their children in the daycare on July 5. Nothing about NEASO’s legally protected ULP strike changes this fact. While NEA management wants to resort to desperate lies, NEASO staff wants NEA to unlock the doors, allow us to get back to work for NEA’s 3 million members, and bargain for a fair contract.

“Once again, NEA and its spokespeople are playing with the truth. During these contract negotiations, NEA has liked to claim ‘misinformation,’ but, when pressed, NEA spokespeople refuse to point to any specifics. This is a classic tactic designed to deflect and gaslight. What NEA alleges in its latest statement, however, sets a new low. NEA’s lies are unacceptable, but again, they are easily refutable with facts. And NEASO has all the facts.”

Read more personal accounts from NEASO members and find all the latest news from the bargaining table, NEA’s illegal lockout, and solidarity pledges at

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The members of the NEASO advance the work of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, championing justice and excellence in public education. We help educators bargain for fair contracts, advocate for their students, and grow professionally. Go to and learn more.