Remarks as prepared for delivery by NEASO President Robin McLean
Nation’s largest union retaliates against NEASO bargaining unit with punitive lockout WASHINGTON—The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest union, punitively locked out…
Nation’s largest union retaliates against staff union with lockout for ULP strike
National Education Association is engaging in illegal and dangerous actions that could harm entire labor community, send ripple effects through progressive…
NEA staff on ULP strike against nation’s largest union
National Education Association’s convention in Philadelphia is now a struck event; do not cross PHILADELPHIA—The National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO), representing employees at…
Nation’s largest union fails to bargain fairly, hit with more Unfair Labor Practice filings
NLRB filings accuse the National Education Association of wage theft, failure to provide information, and outsourcing more than $50…
Staff to strike Thursday against the National Education Association
For the first time in more than 50 years, employees at the nation’s largest union go on strike; ULP strike comes after NEA’s retaliatory…
Nation’s largest union accused of Unfair Labor Practice
NLRB filing by staff union alleges illegal retaliation at the National Education Association WASHINGTON—The National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO), representing employees working at the National Education…

Meet Erin Wagner
Working with the NEA members running for elected office so they can create necessary change in the communities where they live and teach and work.
Title: Senior Digital Strategist Years at…

Meet Denise (Lester) Johnson
An outstanding NEASO member doing exceptional work to process an astounding amount of money to keep America's largest labor union running for NEA, affiliates, and members
Title: Program Assistant Years…

Meet Dr. Helen Li
Continuously monitoring NEA’s interest in vital global issues so NEA leaders can strategize and set direction on international education issues and initiatives.
Title: Senior Program/Policy Analyst/Specialist Years at NEA: about…